jueves, 29 de mayo de 2014


No lo escribí mal, ya que el Word me corrige, que haces si te caes, te quedas en el suelo? Normalmente te paras y sigues caminando verdad, porque? Porque tienes que llegar al lugar donde te estabas yendo, si te lesionas en la caída te curas y ni bien estés curado sigues con lo que estabas haciendo. Nadie en esta vida se queda echado o sentado después de una caída; los bebes lloran para que los levanten; si te caes en la calle te da roche y te levantas, no te vas a quedar para que se burlen de ti verdad, es casi una ley de la vida; te caes, te paras y sigues.
Pero no solo es pararse, es saber porque te caíste y aprender de ello, en esta vida muchos de los personajes exitosos tuvieron fracasos, pero de qué manera fueron exitosos?, un especialista en liderazgo John Maxwell dice que el éxito no solo está en no darse por vencido, sino está en  analizar tu primera caída y aprender de los errores de la misma, y así estar más preparado para el segundo intento y he comparado sus 7 máximas de la perseverancia  con algunos ejemplos de aquellos exitosos que supieron superarse y alcanzar el tan ansiado éxito económico.
*Una de sus teorías esta en RECHAZAR EL RECHAZO: Thomas Alva Edinson antes de crear la bombilla el invento que lo llevó a la cima, fracaso en este intento 1000 veces y muchos le dijeron que no te cansas de fracasar y el dijo no he fracasado ahora se 1000 maneras de cómo no hacer una bombilla, después vino el micrófono, el fonógrafo, etc.
*Otra teoría de Maxwell es ACEPTAR RESPONSABIIDAD PROPIA EN EL FRACASO, Frederick Smith el dueño de FEDEX, creo en 1984 Zapmail un servicio de entrega electrónica que le iba a hacer la competencia al fax, pero fracasó y le costó $350 millones, casi le costó la compañía pero reconoció su error y se especializó en la entrega simple sin ser muy revolucionario y hoy es la más grande empresa de entrega de USA.
* Otra mas es VER EL FRACASO COMO ALGO PASAJERO, Walt Disney fue despedido por su jefe por no tener imaginación y ser falto de ideas, el se sentía con talento y pensaba que el jefe estaba equivocado, volvió a fracasar rechazándole una de sus historias, pero él sentía que era buena le hizo unos retoques mas y, fue Blanca nieves y los 7 enanos su primer gran éxito, que lo catapultó a la fama.
*Una de las que más me gusta es TENER METAS REALISTAS, Salma Hayek fue actriz en varias novelas mexicanas, pero al saberse sexy, hablaba el inglés regularmente y que podía hacer papeles de mexicana en Hollywood, se lanzo al ruedo y ahora es una de las actrices mejores pagadas en el mundo, nunca pensó en ser tan famosa pero su estrategia inicial era realista cuantas actrices mexicanas hablaban inglés y podrían hacer esos papeles en esa época, casi ninguna, al final las cosas se fueron dando mejor de lo que pensó.
*Otra que me gusta mucho ENFOCARSE EN LAS FORTALEZAS QUE SE TIENE, el Coronel Sanders de KFC estaba en bancarrota después de tener problemas económicos, vendió su restaurant para pagar sus deudas, pero se dio cuenta que su pollo tenia la preferencia del público y decidió sacrificar su tiempo completo para dedicarse a sus pollos, ahora tiene más de 18 mil restaurantes en el mundo en 120 países.
*Otra muy buena PLANTEARSE DIVERSOS CAMINOS AL EXITO, Henry Ford dueño de Ford Motor Company, creó una empresa llamada Detroit Autmobile Cpny que se fue a la quiebra por ser autos de lujo muy caros; luego se dedico a los autos de carreras su pasión creando la compañía Cadillac, pero los socios al pensar que no era tan bueno fue dejado de lado; luego en su tercer intento hizo carros veloces pero baratos y así nació la Ford, la empresa de autos más grande de USA  en la actualidad.
*Y quizá la más celebrada NO TENER MIEDO AL INTENTO, JK Rowling la escritora de Harry Potter, fue rechazada por 12 editoras a la cual presento su libro le decían que ese libro era muy estúpido y que se veía que no tenía mucha calidad de narrativa, según los “expertos”, pero a ella le gustaba la idea del niño mago que estudia en una escuela de los mismos, y lo intento una vez más porque no tenía nada que perder debido a su mala situación económica ahora cuenta con 217 millones de euros en su cuenta bancaria, nunca le dio miedo intentar.
Yo no sé si esto les sirva leerlo,  pero a mi escribirlo si; no sé si esto me hará rico como los antes mencionados, pero aprendí mucho hoy; de tener la satisfacción de seguir luchando y nunca darme por vencido, no todos estamos llamados al éxito económico pero quien sabe, creo que el momento exacto llegará y hay que saber aprovecharlo; sino como dije quedará la satisfacción de sentirse un luchador, recuerda que el éxito en la vida es ser feliz, haz lo que te haga feliz y seguro llegaras al éxito deseado.
Éxitos a todos     
Jorge Horna…..!


Last night I was in my goddaughter’s home, she is a lovely girl and I really like her; I like to visit her once in a while because I love to see her happy face when she sees me (her godfather), I am the guy who go into her house with a gift under my arm or something delicious to taste; she lives in a humble condition, her parents don’t have the economic capacity to give her away something special from time to time.
As usual that day she receive me with a big smile, wide open arms and exclaiming loudly GOD FATHERRRRRR!, she hugs me strongly and kiss me softly, perfect combination enough to move me; I gave her a gift she was very excited to get it, I gave to her mom some snacks to taste and I stayed there around 3 hours with them, during those 3 hours I asked them how she was doing at the school and things like that, during the talk I remembered the last Christmas when I visited them, I felt like Santa Claus carrying gifts for her and her little brother, both of them were very happy for it and played with them all night long.
I am telling this because her mom told me that when I go to visit them, the kids feel very happy and that happiness last a couple of weeks until the toys get broken or they get bored about them; then I asked somewhat puzzled, so after that they feel sad?, not really she answered, but they know that you will come back after a few months later with some more gifts because we cannot give them same type of things. And don’t think that these parents are bad parents, on the contrary they are great persons and work very hard for them, to don’t let they miss basics things like food, education, health, cloths, etc; but we know children looks for a plus which is not basic at all; but what would happen if there is not a godfather who bring gifts and funny stuffs, they would pay same attention to those materials things?
 I think they wouldn’t, is true that once you try honey, you would like to try it always, is normal; but I believe to feel happy, you don’t have to focus on things that you won’t get regularly or probably you won’t ever get it, I will give 3 phrases that will explain better my position: “Happiness is not play with the best cards, is play as best as you can with the cards you got” because you won’t have the best cards all the time isn’t it; “ the people won’t be happy unless they are ready to be happy”  because you need to want to be happy to become happy; and the last one “ is not happy the one who never get injured, but the one who can reliefs them” because we are not free of accidents or disappointments so we need to know to deal with them. Something to add to this, once I met to Mrs. Alejandra a charming Cuban lady who told me that “we need to know that always there is somebody who is in worst condition than us” so it means that nothing is really bad to don’t success from it.
So you have to be always positive, if you got divorced there are people who still married and they are not happy at all, if you don’t have the job you expected remember there are people who even have a job, your girlfriend dumped you, so what! probably somebody better than her will come to you and enjoy her, your business didn’t work don’t worry get a job probably you will be successful there; a few weeks ago I wrote something about the we never walk alone, there is somebody up there who is always with you, he tests you and want you to be happy with the chances he is giving you, because he takes thing off from you but he give you other ones instead and he is doing the same thing with somebody else as well; if you want that everybody get equal, so why we don’t ask god to remove the freewill and act like robots; but not he give you the freedom to act on your own, and that is the secret for the happiness, that you can choose how to live it and enjoy it.
In conclusion don’t look at the one who is better than you for sure he will make you to feel sad, also look at the one who is worse than you and feel lucky as well, and base on that encourage yourself to make your next step to success, and when you find it be thankful and share it with other ones, and in case it goes away again, laugh as much as you can, renew yourself and start over again the life is so complex to cry for small things; the latest months were not very positive for me but I laugh very loud because I feel lucky, I am very sure that many people doesn’t have a computer to write this for you.
Don’t worry Be Happy

Jorge Horna …………!

viernes, 23 de mayo de 2014


No hay nada mejor que sentirse orgulloso de uno mismo, pero una cosa es el orgullo y otra el ORGUYO que es más una sobrevaloración de uno mismo que genera algo llamada soberbia, y recuerden que sobrevalorar es dar un valor falso sobrestimado a algo o alguien.
El orgullo extremo o soberbia hace que te incomode pensar que estas equivocado y los errores que cometas nunca los reconocerás, y que origina esto? Origina que tal vez siempre cometas los mismos errores y nunca los enmiendes; o quizá tal vez sí, pero nunca dirás que lo cometiste y entonces te alejaras de la humildad que acorde el cristianismo es la segunda enseñanza más importante que Jesucristo dio al mundo después del amor, y ojo que la humildad nos es sinónimo de modestia solamente, si no que la humildad según la iglesia es la sabiduría de aceptar nuestro VERDADERO valor en todos los aspectos, así que si te equivocaste se sabio y pide las disculpas del caso, porque si no lo haces tal vez no tengas la sabiduría para hacerlo y no tendría sentido sentirte orgulloso de tu falta de sabiduría.
Y recuerda orgullo se escribe con doble L y no con Y, así que no termina en Yo, es de humildes pedir disculpas y de humildes aceptarlas, y la humildad demuestra sabiduría; muchos dirán primera vez que escribe algo corto y conciso, si lo hice a propósito para que vean que una humilde reflexión  (nada extensa) termina siendo más sabia que otras más largas.
Jorge Horna!

jueves, 22 de mayo de 2014


I remember my times working on the ship, I have met people from everywhere, you meet English people, Canadian People, Rumanian People, Indian People, Thai people, Philipino people, etc. Mostly we differentiate people for the language they speak not really for the nationality; so it means I was into the Latin people group, all of us we live in America continent, I was witness of disagreements between us, by example I heard that in central America most of the countries don’t like Mexicans for certain reasons, Nicaraguans and Costa Ricans don’t have a good relationship, Chileans and Peruvians are in the same situation as well, Uruguayans don’t like Argentineans, Chileans either; and we can make a bigger list about these differences between us, the alleged Latin American Brothers.
We speak the same language, we have similar habits, our food has some similarities as ceviche, lomo saltado, arroz con pollo, lentejitas, etc, everyone cook them in its particular way; we have probably some similarities on our musical preferences as well, even we have the same type of Governors (Corrupts)etc; many factors that keep strong links between us, which maintain us attached somehow, but there is something that apparently is trying to separate us like envy, avarice, land extending desire, jealousy about what  it has and I don’t, I invented this before you , etc, many many stupid reasons that put the Latin American union at risk.
But I realized in my stay on ships that Latin People are very dear as well, many people love our language and they try to learn it very much, when we dance our salsa, merengue or bachata everybody get crazy and try to follow our sexy moves and steps, many people on board says that we are funny and charm people, the Latin charisma is recognized by every nationality, we have to know that the most attractive way to play football is practiced in most of the Latin countries being Argentina and  Brazil the most representative ones ,  Venezuela is the country with more Miss Universe and Miss world in history being 6 and 7 winners respectively and we know that Colombians and Puerto Ricans are very desired girls as well, America is the continent with more biodiversity in the world so much so that most of it is concentrated in Latin countries, one of the richest sea in the world bath Peruvian and Chilean coasts, the most popular and beautiful beaches in the world are concentrated in the Caribbean sea being the most popular ones the beaches located in Cuba and Dominican Republic (Both of them Latin countries), the largest mountain chain in the world are the Andes which are located in South America, 2 of the 4 most important alimentary resources in the world are potato and corn were born in America, our main language Spanish come obviously from Spain but its more representatives writers are undoubtedly Gabriel Garcia Marquez (Colombian), Mario Vargas Llosa (Peruvian) and Raul Bolaños (Mexican) all Latin writers, probably I can keep writing more about us but it will keep me long, just I want to finish this, saying that we have to feel proud about to be Latin, according my perception obtained after 15 years living with many nationalities around the world, with all our defects and virtues the people from the rest of the world like us, love us and think we are very special, so be proud to had borned Latin.
Hasta la vista baby…..

Jorge Horna …..!   


In the last months, I was witness of many shameful incidents in my country, and due my life experience with other nationalities I believe, it is the same thing everywhere. I was in a bus, an old women did not want to pay the full fare, adducing that she paid before less than that, the fare collector asked her with good manners to pay the full price otherwise she can get off from the bus and take another one, she knew she was wrong I told her that the man was right, but she insult the good man, saying that she is an old woman and she deserve respect…. And then I asked myself, what respect she was talking about?; another day I was in another bus, the seats on the front part of it were occupied by women, then a senior woman got on the bus, of course the youngest woman had to cede the seat to her, but she did not, another woman older than her did it, then a man was standing next to me said “sorry lady but you were the right one to cede the seat to that old woman” she response in an aggressive way, and then he answer  in the same way (believe me I would do it too)after he man’s rude answer she said that he was a coward to argue with a woman, so a woman can be rude with a man and it is fine?; after a couple of weeks in the line to get an appointment in the public hospital an old man screamed to a young lady because he was taking too long but it was not her fault, she screamed back to him but without insulting, then the old man exclaimed “Today’s youth is getting crazy they don’t know what respect means ”, and then I thought so I have to wait to become old to scream everybody?.
So now I will ask, what respect really means, according the dictionary is “the action to value somebody or something” and tell me anybody thinks that the old woman, the young lady and the old man showed respect to the other persons in the stories; I don’t know what you think but for me definitely not; the old woman had to pay what it is, doesn’t matter what age she got, according Peruvian law just identified students  can pay half of fare, the rest we can’t; in the young lady case, I can’t accept that a woman can insult and be rude with a man and it seems right, if a woman insult a man without any valid reason I believe that he can insult back to her, we have the same rights before the law and god , sometimes some girls don’t believe that when it suits them and become the fairer sex back again; and with the third case, that old man can’t scream a young person whenever he wants, be old doesn’t mean everybody have to respect you, what’s more he must be an example how to respect.
I don’t really know if I am right with my reflection this time, but for me respect must be gained, not because I am an old man I will demand respect, I have to earn it I have to be respectful because people feel it towards to me; not because I am a lady I have to wait all men respect me, a man can’t respect a bitch in the same way as an upstanding woman is not fear; you will not respect a boss who is a real leader in the same way as a boss who is a complete asshole, because you are a father you have to wait respect from your kids regardless how you behave, you have to lead by the example, I would like my daughter will call me because she remember me not because somebody says call your dad any ways he is your dad, I will feel like I was not a good enough father.
There is something called urban law, It says that we have to greet the old people and respect them, but I believe that every single person have to be worried to inspire that respect, if they want it back.
With all respect you earned ……see you next time!
Jorge Horna.

martes, 6 de mayo de 2014


¿Qué es una madre? Según el diccionario es mujer que ha engendrado un hijo, suena frio verdad, pero todos sabemos que la madre es más que eso; madre son los brazos que siempre estarán abiertos en tu soledad, madre es la sonrisa que goza con tu bienestar, madre es la lagrima que se derrama con tus derrotas, madre es el beso más sincero que se pueda recibir, madre es la fuerza que es capaz de parar el tiempo para dedicártelo, madre es la magia que hace muchas cosas posible, madre son las manos que se vuelven incansables solo para atenderte,  madre es la máxima  dulzura de un corazón, madre es la ternura representada en un ser, madre es la belleza mas allá de la física, madre es la superhéroe que tiene un solo gran súper poder SU AMOR, madre es la confianza en ti cuando todos dejaron de hacerlo, madre es la palabra más sublime que un ser humano puede mencionar,  madre es el amor sin condiciones, madre es un contrato que se firma alegremente de por vida aun sabiendo que no habrá feriados ni domingos, madre es el empleo que no recibe salario monetario solo emocional y que lo ahorra para devolvértelo en creces y aun así si no lo recibiera da del suyo para que te enriquezcas de ello, madre es la mirada que te contempla en la enfermedad, madre es el corazón que palpita por ti, madre es el orgullo no importa si lo haces bien o mal, madre es la memoria que nunca te olvida; madre  es todo lo bueno, es solo una y no es eterna.
Si tienes una madre que nunca le dijiste que la amas no esperes el día de la madre, anda ve y díselo, que solo diciendo MADRE TE AMO, le pagaras todo eso que hace por ti y que te acabo de mencionar, sé que me dirán que este escrito es muy corto para celebrar el día de la madre, es que en verdad se tiene que decir mucho en otros temas porque la gente no le toma importancia, pero a una madre es difícil de restarle la debida importancia que merece. Haciendo este escrito como siempre filosofando, quiero terminarlo diciendo que creo que Dios a pesar de ser el todopoderoso sabe que no estará en todos lados, y me parece que creó en la mujer ese divino sentido maternal para que aquellos que no creen en él y no acuden a él en sus momentos críticos, puedan sentir un amor sincero como el de nuestro señor en los momentos más difíciles al lado de su madre; que quiero decir con esto que madre es el reflejo más cercano del amor divino y que todos debemos sentirnos agradecidos por ello, y bueno que haces allí leyendo como un(a) huevon(a) mis  palabras, anda ve y llama a tu mama y dile que la amas.
Feliz día de la madre.

Jorge Horna….!